100 Miles .. Bike Ride.


Past few months were hectic, though i traveled but could not post on the blog. Today morning i decided to go for a solo ride on the highway. I feel early morning, cool breeze, thundering sound of the engine and the highway itself for the company helps set your soul free and give a new outlook to life.

 I am  fortunate, as a being in lap of Sahyadris is just few kilometers away from where i stay.. Sahyadris is full of  winding roads and the landscapes that are full of beauty, charm and adventure. The beauty it offers is endless only if you can see it with open eyes and feel it with a happy soul..

If ride on a serpentine roads through the mountains is whats on your mind, the best route is ride to warandha ghat.. You leave behind comfort of the four lane highway and get into roads where you can twist, turn rock and roll with your sweetheart but yes you need little control on throttle and frequent gear changes might keep you little busy, but all this becomes  secondary when you begin to enjoy the landscapes and the beauty.

My take on riding is Road trips should not be measured in terms of Kms you have covered but in terms of memories you have gathered, moments you have enjoyed and ultimately the places that have inspired you to take a new trip.

As I try to pen down this trip, here are some of the lines that i have read somewhere: 
  •  Kilometers are shorter than miles so I take my trips in kilometers and save petrol. 

  • “We travel initially to lose ourselves; and we travel next to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the globe where riches are differently dispersed. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again – to slow time down and get taken in, and to fall in love once more.” – Pico Iyer, Why we Travel
(Few pics of sunday Ride to Fort Torna with friends)
