Visit to the small rustic village in Konkan...

Set in the scenic valley admist the beautiful mountains and the paddy fileds, my friend Sandeeps ancestral village and his house can be compared to a beautiful painting by a artist.  By the time we reached this village it was night and the village folks had retired for the night after the hard work in the fields. 

In the morning we accompanied Sandeeps uncle to the fields, It was bliss walking through the fields,  flowing water and the grass tickling the legs..

I took a glimpse outside the window, the village ladies as per the daily routine had started their day very early in the morning. They were busy filling water from the common water tap. This place is their chatting point to share a little gossip..

I have always been fascinated by lovely countrysides. As, me , chhatrasal and sandy walked along the fields listening the sandeeps childhood stories , i kept my kept my camera shutter busy capturing the lovely landscapes this village had to offer.

A typical konkan House with wooden frame windows..

On the way back from the fields, we visited the village temple.

When we return back from the farm i was feeling very hungry because of the long walk, as i entered the kitchen i noticed our breakfast of egg curry and "wade, a typical konkani preparation" was getting ready.. Sandeeps unty served us very very tasty breakfast.. Being cooked on the firewood it the preparation had a unique taste bringing out the wonderful aroma..

Sun rays entering the house...

View from the car en route

A village House ..
